Publicado: 2018-09-10

Papiestwo a regnum piastowskie w latach ok. 965-973

Paweł Latoszek
Saeculum Christianum
Sección: Rozprawy i Artykuły


The earliest mention of relations between the Holy See and Mieszko’s I country is the text found on the nonexistent Bolesław Chrobry’s tomb. This text speaks about sending young Bolesław Chrobry’s heir to Rome, which in usually idnetified with Mieszko’s son, possibly held as a German hostage in 973. The connection between the Holy See and Polish missionary bishop Jordan, who was directly answerable to the Pope, is seen as being problematic. Middle-aged sources tell us that Jordan was established as bishop in Mieszko’s I country in 968, but it is thought that he was ordained Bishop in 967. It is connected with the handing to Otto I, a sword that belonged to the Saxon rebel Wichmann the Younger. The author tries to connect the choosing of Jordan with the establishment of the archbishopric of Magdeburg. There is evidence that Jordan’s nomination happened during synod in Ravenna in April 967. During that synod, the organization of Church structures in Slavic countries was carried out. Because only the Pope could issue the license to prosylete the pagans, the author believes that relations were established before the baptism of Mieszko I.

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Normas de citación

Latoszek, P. (2018). Papiestwo a regnum piastowskie w latach ok. 965-973. Saeculum Christianum, 24, 54–67.

