Bartłomiej Dźwigała
WNHiS UKSW, Warszawa
Note biographique
Bartłomiej Dźwigała, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Medieval History at the Institute of Historical Sciences, the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (pol. INH UKSW). The doctoral thesis prepared under the supervision of Dr. Marek K. Barański entitled Sukcesja i inauguracja władzy w łacińskiej Jerozolimie. Studium nad narracjami opisującymi obejmowanie tronu przez nowego władcę w początkowym okresie istnienia Królestwa Jerozolimskiego w latach 1099-1118 (The succession and inauguration of power in Latin Jerusalem. The study on the narratives describing the accession to the throne by the new ruler in the initial period of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the years 1099-1118) was defended in 2015 at the Faculty of History and Social Sciences of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. He holds a Master's degree of the Institute of Historical Sciences (INH UKSW) (2011) and in the Institute of Classical Philology of the University of Warsaw (2014). Research interests: history of the Crusades and Latin states in Syria and Palestine, the problem of legitimacy of power, Latin medieval historiographic literature.