Published: 2015-09-20

Spouses in the service of evangelization in the early Church

Andrzej Jacek NAJDA
Studia nad Rodziną
Section: Artykuły


The missionary activity of the early Church is mainly presented in Acts and Letters by St Paul. It was not only a domain of Apostles, missionaries and itine- rant preachers, but also actively involved married couples. The couples worth mentioning are: Apostles and their spouses, married couples listed in Romans 16 and Philemon, and first of all Aquila and Priscilla who devoted their whole life to the service of the Gospel.


Marriage, Gospel, Apostle, the Early Church, Aquila, Priscilla

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NAJDA, A. J. (2015). Spouses in the service of evangelization in the early Church. Studia Nad Rodziną, 19(2(37), 27–47.

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