Published: 2015-09-20

Sociological guidelines of the family coaching

Studia nad Rodziną
Section: Artykuły


The family coaching is becoming part of a system of supporting functioning of the family system, as well as supporting the potential lying in the family. In it an attention is being returned for seeking the balance between the working life and family, as well as to the soil of satisfaction and the better quality of the marital and family life. To the need of such action also a sociology shows families, is describing the public practice of being together as reality of the relation and the practical co- unselling. She is analysing multilateral and dynamic processes dokonujęce oneself in families using different theories and methods, remembering that the family has double character: both as social institutions and as the individually created life form. In the family counselling also issues of the partnership and processes which are taking place are included in families associated with such experience as: the selection of an occupation, or migrations.


family coaching, support, family

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SURZYKIEWICZ, J., & MAIER, K. (2015). Sociological guidelines of the family coaching. Studia Nad Rodziną, 19(2(37), 183–198.

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