Seniors activity in the local environment

Józef Młyński
Studia nad Rodziną
Section: Artykuły


Senior policy appears as a significant challenge for the present. Sociologists and demographers constantly emphasize that Polish society is aging. Therefore, there is a great need to stimulate the activities of local social policy for the elderly and seniors.

The purpose of this article is to show social and educational activity of seniors in the local community. The analysis shows that seniors participate in organized forms of activity: Universities of the Third Age, clubs of seniors, councils of seniors, in parish Caritas, various associations, voluntary work and other public benefit institutions. It should be added that it is easier to activate seniors living in urban environments than rural areas. In addition, this article also presents the role of a social worker as a leader-moderator of the local community responsible for stimulating social and educational activity of seniors.


senior policy, senior, social and educational activity, local government, local environment, social worker

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Młyński, J. (2021). Seniors activity in the local environment. Studia Nad Rodziną, 22(3(48), 69–86.

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