Published: 2023-12-02

The sanctity of marriage and family

Czesław Rychlicki
Studia nad Rodziną
Section: Artykuły


Among various forms of sanctity, implemented in various forms of life and activity of believers, the vocation as spouses, implemented in a particular act of giving yourself to another person, constitutes a specific type of sanctity. This act mirrors Christ’s gift of love given to His Church. Parental and educational role of spouses indicates the existence of dual dimension: natural and transcendental one. As far as nature is concerned, spouses engage actively in social development by bearing and rearing offspring, transmitting values that humanize a per- son and society. In case of the transcendental dimension, the parental and educational act of spouses constitutes cooperation in the creative act of God, creating a human “in the likeness and image” of God (Genesis 1,27) and is participation in the act improving the development of the world, in line with the will of the Creator (cf. Genesis 1,28). That is why, the primacy of Christian upbringing of children, thanks to which a new person acquires an inte- gral dimension, should play important role in a Christian family, especially in its educational role.

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Rychlicki, C. (2023). The sanctity of marriage and family. Studia Nad Rodziną, 24(1-2(55-56), 87–97.

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