An agreement is signed with the authors of the texts accepted for publication (form→ Agreement for the publication of an article by the Scientific Publishing House UKSW, available in the tab → FORM TEMPLATES).
The contract form completed and signed by the author (in two copies) together with the statement (form→ Statement of the author of the work, available in the tab → FORM TEMPLATES, in one copy) must be sent to the editorial office in the paper form (handwritten signature) or electronically (qualified signature).
The editorial office sends to each author, to the indicated address, 1 copy of the issue of the journal in which his article was published (printed version of the journal) and a PDF file containing the article in the “printable” form.
By submitting the text to the editorial office of the “Artifex Novus” journal, the author of the publication confirms that the submitted text is an original work, thoroughly prepared, which has not been published before and is currently not subject to evaluation in another journal (form→ Statement of the author of the work, available in the tab → FORM TEMPLATES).
The author is obliged to list the publications in the bibliography that were used by him while writing the text. He should cite publications that are relevant to the topic presented.
Authors are informed that any detected cases of “ghost-writing” (hiding the participation in the creation of a publication of persons other than those officially listed on the editorial page) and “guest authorship” (listing people as co-authors who have not contributed to the publication in any way), as well as violations of scientific ethics are a manifestation of scientific misconduct, and as such will be documented and exposed, including notifications of relevant entities (institutions employing authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc.).
In order to avoid the above-mentioned situations, authors of publications are obliged to: 1) disclose the actual contribution of individual persons to the creation of the publication in the case of multi-authored texts (including affiliation and contribution, i.e. information about who is the author of the concept, assumptions, methods, etc. used in the preparation of the publication); 2) the author submitting a multi-author text for publication should make sure that all co-authors have been included in the text and that they have read and approved the final version of the work before publication, and agreed to submit it for publication; 3) each of the co-authors is responsible for the content of the information provided only in writing for evidence purposes to the co-author submitting the text.
Reviewers are obliged to prepare a review within the agreed deadline on the form provided by the editorial office (form→ Review template – Artifex Novus journal, available in the tab → FORM TEMPLATES).
In the case of unjustified exceeding of the deadline for the preparation of the review or inability to contact the editors reserve the right to change the reviewer.
During the reviewing process, reviewers are obliged to confidentiality in their opinions on the reviewed article and not to use the knowledge gained on this occasion before its publication.
The review must end with an unequivocal conclusion as to whether the article is accepted for publication or rejected.
A scan of the completed and signed form should be sent to the editorial office’s e-mail address.
Reviewers have the right to re-verify the corrected text.
ISSN: 2544-5014
eISSN: 2719-3659
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie