General rules for qualifying articles for publication:
Proposals of texts that do not comply with the editorial requirements are rejected.
Texts that violate someone else’s intellectual property rights (plagiarism) or that are self-plagiarism are rejected.
Ghost-writingand guest authorship is considered a sign of scientific misconduct. Any cases detected by the editorial office will be unmasked, including notifying the relevant entities.
The journal does not publish popular science and journalistic texts.
Reviewing rules:
Submitted texts are pre-selected by the editors, who evaluate the compliance of the article’s subject matter with the journal’s profile, its substantive value, linguistic and stylistic correctness.
Texts accepted by the editorial board are evaluated by reviewers selected by the editorial office from among people with recognized scientific achievements in their disciplines.
In order to ensure an objective and reliable assessment, articles are reviewed under the double blind review rule, according to which the reviewer and the author do not know each other’s identities.
Two reviewers are appointed to evaluate each article, including at least one external reviewer (in the case of publications in a foreign language, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign institution based in a country other than the country of origin of the author of the publication), who: a) are not members of the editorial office or unit in which the author of the publication is affiliated; b) are competent in a given field and have at least a doctoral degree and relevant scientific achievements; c) have an unblemished reputation as a scientist; d) they are not in a conflict of interest with the author, where a direct personal relationship between the reviewer and the author (relationship up to the second degree, legal relationships, marriage), relationships of professional subordination or direct scientific cooperation in the last two years is considered a conflict of interest preceding the year of preparation of the review.
The review is made on the form provided by the editorial office and must end with an unequivocal conclusion as to the acceptance of the article for publication or its rejection. (Form→ Sample review – “Artifex Novus” journal can be found in the tab: FORM TEMPLATES)
The article evaluation criteria are included in the review form.
I fan article receives one positive and one negative review, the managing editor of a given issue, in consultation with the editor-in-chief and the editorial board (or the Scientific Council), on the basis of an analysis of the received reviews, decides either to refuse to publish the article or to appoint a third reviewer.
In the case of two negative reviews, the text is not published.
Reviewer’s comments are forwarded to the author. Rational and motivated conclusions presented in the review are binding for the author. He is obliged to take into account the recommendations of the reviewers and correct the text. Reviewers have the right to re-verify the corrected text. If the author of the text does not agree with the conclusions of the reviewer, he has the right to present his editorial position in a polemic note.
The names and surnames of the reviewers of the “Artifex Novus” journal remain in the knowledge of the Editors. The list of reviewers cooperating with the journal is published on the journal’s website (Tab →ABOUT THE JOURNAL, in the column →Reviewers).
The editors of “Artifex Novus” have the right to make stylistic corrections, edit the text, introduce corrections aimed at unifying the spelling rules used in the journal. After reviewing, editing and proofreading the text, it is sent back to the author by e-mail for author’s correction. The author is obliged to make it within the time agreed with the editorial office.
The author attaches a statement to the materials submitted to the editorial office of “Artifex Novus” (form→ Statement by the author of the work, available in the tab → FORM TEMPLATES) that the work has not been published before and the possibility of its publication in other journals is not currently being considered.
ISSN: 2544-5014
eISSN: 2719-3659
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie