Vol. 14 No. 2.1 (2024)
Published: 2025-03-12
'Pedagogical Forum' has been published under the patronage of the Committee on Pedagogical Sciences, acting within the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Pedagogical Forum (Forum Pedagogiczne) publishes scholarly texts (articles, reviews, reports) with educational concepts of contemporary theories and practices. It creates platfm for dialogue and exchange of ideas on current educational issues, both in Poland, in other European countries and around the world. The journal comes out in paper version twice a year (biannually). Editorial team accepts scholarly texts representing all the sub-disciplines of contemporary sciences of education (pedagogy) in Polish and English.
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Are you interested in reviewing texts in this journal? We recommend familiarizing yourself with the content of the 'About the Journal' page, where necessary information is provided. Then, please register on the journal's website. In the registration form, please select the option: 'Yes, send a request to grant the role: Reviewer'. If you already have a user account in this system, you can expand your permissions to include the role of a reviewer in the editing of your profile. A request to review a specific article will be sent to you via email.
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Redakcja Forum Pedagogicznego
"Pedagogical Forum" scored 100 points on the Index Copernicus International Journals Master List for 2019.