The article presents somc fairly represeutative t.rends towards tlie aeccptance or disapof religions and Beeular educational models by the young, points out the factors conditioning young people's opiniom;; and dra\vs sorne generał conclusions. The author finds that people arc aware of the incompatibility of the religious model of education with the system of sociahst educat.ion; they therefore oftcn fincl themselvcs in situat.ions of collflict. Most young people hold a favourable view of the educational function of religion, irrespective of their own varying attit,udes towards religion. '.fhey think t.hat religious educat.ion gives sense to human life and ernphasize the psychologieal and philosophicalaspcets of faith rather than its theologica] and dogmatic aspects. As regards their idea of Catholicisrn, a large group of those polled have a nonconforrnist attitude, with a marked tendency towards reform of the basie dogmas and rnoral principles proclaimed by the Church. Young atheists n!lo\1c some elements of Catholic custmn in their own model of culture.
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