Published: 2019-03-28

Zygmunt Hajduk, Struktury metodologiczne w nauce. Słowa klucze filozofii nauki, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2016 (rev.)

Anna Lemańska
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Section: Reviews and Reports


Zygmunt Hajduk in his latest book does not duplicate the previous shots. What distinguishes his book from other books in the field of philosophy of science are its two interwoven layers: object and meta-object. The main subject of the book is, of course, science understood in a broad context as a changing product of the scientific community, embedded in culture and civilization, and having a huge impact on the reality around man. But there is also a meta-subject layer in the monograph.


science, philosophy of science, methodology

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Lemańska, A. (2019). Zygmunt Hajduk, Struktury metodologiczne w nauce. Słowa klucze filozofii nauki, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2016 (rev.). Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 53(4), 103–109.

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