Marian Jaworski, Anthropological basis of prayer. A philosophical-religious study
Piotr Koprowski, A vision of man according to Janusz Stanislaw Pasierb and its mystical inspirations
Jarosław Olesiak, Nature and necessity in Aristotle’s "Physics"
Andrzej Papuziński, The reform of the quality of life indicators in the EU from the perspective of sustainable development philosophy
Michał Piekarski, The problem of logical form: Wittgenstein and Leibniz
Magdalena Płotka, Permissive natural law and its scope in Paul Vladimiri's philosophy
Marek Szydłowski, Paweł Tambor, Ontological and epistemological aspects of the models of quantum cosmogenesis cosmology
Reviews and reports
Marek Porwolik, (rev.) Michał Piekarski, Logika-Gramatyka-Pragmatyka. Ewolucja wittgensteinowskiej koncepcji związku języka ze światem, Wydawnictwo UKSW, Warszawa 2015
Marek P. Prokop, (rev.) Rocznik Tomistyczny, nr 1, 2012, ISSN 2300-1976
Justyna Kroczak, (rev.) Teresa Obolevitch, Filozofia rosyjskiego renesansu patrystycznego, Copernicus Center, Kraków 2014
Andrzej Kobyliński, Report from the international scientific conference "The current“ social-ethical ”trends and the issue of justice in the context of Central Europe and in contemporary Russian thought", Trnavska Univerzita, November 4, 2014