Published: 2018-10-06

Individual and social consequences of old age stereotypes

Marlena Kilian
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Colloquia


In the era of aging societies the consequences of old age stereotypes seem to be  underestimated. The aim of the article is to present the influence of old age stereotypes on aging individuals and the society as a whole, based on the available empirical data. The article begins with a definition of a stereotype and  then it analyses individual and social consequences of old age stereotypes. The analysis of the cited empirical data about the consequences of these stereotypes leads to a belief that positive changes in ageing stereotypes can result in improved physical, psychological and social functioning of elderly people and a realistic identification of their potential may lead to a better utilization of their impact in the society.


aging, old age, stereotypes, age-related stereotypes, ageism

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Kilian, M. (2018). Individual and social consequences of old age stereotypes. Pedagogical Forum, 8(2), 241–256.

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