Aims and Scope
The “Seminare. Learned Investigations” journal is published by the Francis de Sales Scientific Society (TNFS) - a community undertaking scientific research and educational activities inspired by the humanism of Francis de Sales and Christian personalism. The profile and thematic scope of the journal relate to the broadly understood “world of youth” approached from the perspective of various scientific disciplines. The journal focuses on publishing texts from the area of pedagogy, education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, theology, and history of education. In addition, “Seminare” strives to provide a broad platform for sharing ideas and experiences concerning the “world of youth” and the contemporary dispute about the human being.
Journal data
The editors of “Seminare” provide free access to full versions of all published volumes. The journal is indexed in the following databases:
The “Seminare. Learned Investigations” journal was founded in 1975 on the initiative of Salesians employed at the Catholic University of Lublin. The frequency and form of the journal’s publication changed over time along with its development. From 1975 to 2009 it was published as an annual, from 2010 to 2013 as a semiannual, and since 2014 as a quarterly. Since 2023, following the change in the scientific and thematic profile of the journal, it has again taken the form of a semiannual. The electronic version of the journal (e-ISSN: 2450-1328) is published alongside the printed version, and since 2023 it has become the primary one. Currently, “Seminare” is hosted on the UKSW journals platform, and the entire scientific and editorial process is carried out via the interactive Open Journal System.
Deputy Editors-in-Chief:
Editorial Secretaries:
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