Coming from the assumption (ie, based on the document, which is the exhortation Christifideles Laici) that we need “a vast, extensive and systematic work, sustained not only by culture but also by economic and legislative means, which will safeguard the role of family in its task of being the primary place of „humanization” for the person and society”, the author took up the subject of the role of the family in matters of sacramental reconciliation. He asked a question to what extent the family understood as the first environment of life and faith is (or should be) conducive to bringing about reconciliation (in the broader sense of the word): with each other, with god and with men? His conviction is that what counts in education is, first of all, a family atmosphere, a climate of mutual forgiveness, creative love and unity. otherwise the child may have serious difficulties in understanding the meaning of reconciliation, which might affect his confessions and his need to receive communion. this may also lead to lack of trust in other people, e.g. in fear to enter a sacramental marriage. Such a person may have a tendency to go astray, and sometimes even lose faith. Simply put, without a good parental pattern, the child will have serious difficulties in establishing positive relationships to all values: (family, social, religious); problems to understand a deeper meaning of their implementation (e.g. in the need for sharing them through celebrations in the family).
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