Stanisław Janeczek, The integral character of human knowledge according to Blaise Pascal: on the history of the philosophy of common sense
Janina Buczkowska, The cognitive origins of language and the informational structure of linguistic meaning
Radosław Kazibut, The philosophy of Robert Boyle and contemporary Christian theistic naturalism
Piotr Łaciak, The concept of prejudice in Kant’s critical philosophy and Husserl’s phenomenology
Andrzej Waleszczyński, On the experience of obligation and Roman Ingarden’s language of moral values
Reviews and reports
Andrzej Kobyliński, Report from the 5th nationwide seminar in Styczeń - Ślipko - Tischner series. Christian inspirations in ethics, Akademia Ignatianum, Kraków, April 21, 2015
Andrzej Kobyliński, Report on the international scientific conference Socio-ethical ideas of contemporary Russian philosophy in the context of Slavic world, Trnavska Univerzita, Trnava, May 5, 2015