Published: 2016-11-19

Local animators as a new path of professional development of science teachers

Katarzyna Potyrała , Ligia Tuszyńska
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Topic


Pedagogical reflections on the construction and negotiation of the world by individuals on the basis of experience and social relations are important elements enabling and developing the idea of participatory pedagogy. In order to achieve this we need to move away from the model of education focused on the division of roles for the teacher - as the one who teaches and the student - one who is taught, as well as the division into experts and novices. The starting point should be activite participation of both sides in the process of acquiring and improving knowledge, and only then knowledge sharing and networking cooperation. Nature is a great laboratory and a place of research, and its observation and living with it show us how to acquire knowledge, how to work in a group, how to protect nature and how to behave in this environment. The aim of the paper is to show the possibility of expanding the educational offer in the professional development of science teachers and to present theoretical assumptions of the new trends in education as well as the proposals for their implementation in academic practice.


animator - local environment - science education - teacher training

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Potyrała, K., & Tuszyńska, L. (2016). Local animators as a new path of professional development of science teachers. Pedagogical Forum, 6(2/2), 107–119.

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