Manuscript Structure and Citing

The file with the manuscript structure in PDF format.

The Chicago Citation Quick Guide.

  1. The editors accept materials in the form of articles, reports on scientific events related to the activities and mission of TNFS, as well as book reviews consistent with the journal’s profile. The editors publish reviews of books up to three years from the date of their publication.
  2. Materials should be sent to the editors in Microsoft Word document format. The text should be formatted as follows: font Times New Roman 12 pt, leading: 1.5 pt, all margins: 2.5 cm. Texts should not contain highlighting (bold font, underlining, space, etc.) except for italics used for publication titles and foreign language expressions.
  3. Quotations should be written in straight font in quotation marks. Quotation inside a quotation should be separated by «French» quotation marks.
  4. Authors should avoid formatting text with tabs, hard spaces, and manual line divisions. Moreover, single letters at the end of a line should not be deleted.
  5. The first page of the text should contain the following elements in the order provided below:
    1. author’s name and surname;
    2. author’s affiliation;
    3. author’s ORCID and email address;
    4. in the case of co-authored texts, information on subsequent authors should be provided according to the same pattern. However, there is no obligation to include e-mail addresses of all authors, but only one address of the so-called contact author;
    5. title of the article in Polish;
    6. abstract in Polish (150-200 words);
    7. keywords in Polish (3-7 words);
    8. title of the article in English;
    9. abstract in English (faithful translation of the Polish text);
    10. keywords corresponding to the keywords in the Polish language.
  6. Article structure:

Research articles should have a clearly presented, logical, internal structure including:

    1. Introduction/Foreword, etc. (unnumbered);
    2. Subsequent points (Arabic numbering: 1., 2., 3. - if necessary, the second level of structure can be used in all or some points, e.g., 2.1., 2.2., 2.3.);
    3. Conclusion/Summary, etc. (unnumbered);
    4. Declarations: (detailed information)
      1. Declaration of authorship
      2. Declaration on financing
      3. Declaration on the conflict of interest
      4. Statement of the ethics committee
      5. Acknowledgments;
    5. References.
  1. The volume of the article, including bibliography, abstracts and keywords, should not exceed 35,000 characters, including spaces
  2. All graphic elements included in the text (charts, photos, diagrams, etc.) should be additionally provided in the form of separate high-resolution files in JPG, PNG, PDF or Excel format. When using special characters (e.g., logical symbols, Greek or Hebrew alphabet), a file with the appropriate font and the article in PDF format must be delivered to the editors electronically.
  3. The Chicago Style edition 16 standard should be used for references and citations. Detailed rules can be found in the information for authors on the website (PDF). Bibliography footnotes should be placed in the text in parentheses. The editors allow for the use of content footnotes only to complement the main line of thought contained in the text.
  4. Abstracts of articles published in “Seminare” may have a different structure. In social sciences, an abstract usually consists of: 1) introduction (purpose and importance of research), 2) methods, 3) results, and 4) discussion. The proportions of these elements are usually distributed as follows: 1) 25%, 2) 25%, 3) 35% and 4) 15% of the abstract volume. In the humanities, this scheme is usually less formal, and it is a summary of the article, which briefly presents: 1) the problem undertaken, 2) the purpose of the study, 3) its findings and 4) conclusions. Abstracts of the articles published in “Seminare” should be 150-200 words long
  5. The editors make the publication of materials conditional to the submission of the author’s declarations/statements required by the editors of “Seminare”, which takes place at the stage of submitting the text via the Open Journal System (OJS) platform.
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