Veröffentlicht am: 2020-05-14

Polonica w księgozbiorze senatora i biskupa płockiego Piotra Dunin - Wolskiego (1531-1590)

Jolanta M. Marszalska
Saeculum Christianum
Rubrik: Rozprawy i Artykuły


Bishop Piotr Dunin-Wolski was a bibliophile, lover and expert on Spanish literature, perfectly familiar with the cultural currents of the epoch and maintaining scientific and diplomatic contacts. He donated a large collection of books (over 1000 volumes) to the Collegium Maius library of the Krakow Academy and to the library of the cathedral chapter in Płock. Among the collected books, noteworthy are the works of Padua professors and their Polish students; of the humanist and theologian Jakub Górski; and of the lawyer Wawrzyniec Goślicki, author of De optimo senatore. He signed the purchased books with a superexlibris with the Swan coat of arms and the inscription in the rim: Petrus Dunin Wolsky D[ei] G[ratia] Episcopus Plocensis,


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Marszalska, J. M. (2020). Polonica w księgozbiorze senatora i biskupa płockiego Piotra Dunin - Wolskiego (1531-1590). Saeculum Christianum, 27, 17–29.

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