Published: 2020-01-12


Jolanta M. Marszalska
Saeculum Christianum. Historical Writings
Section: Rozprawy i Artykuły


In the 15th-century ecclesiastical milieu of Płock, there were discussions on the issues of conciliarism, reform of the Church and on Hussitism, which at that time became a serious threat to religious unity in Poland. The fact that Hussite affairs were of concern is evidenced by the numerous glosses in the margins of the cards related to treatises (speeches) and sermons from that period of on-going dispute between the supporters of Hussitism and its opponents.The codices contained polemical treaties and anti-Hussite speeches directed against the four articles of Prague written by Hus' followers: John of Ragusa (Ioannis de Ragusio), with the treatises: De communione sub utraque specie and Septem regulae ad habendum verum sensum sacrarum scripturarum; Jerome of Prague (Hieronymi Pragensis), with the sermon treatise: Sermo; Gilles Charlier (Aegidus Carlerii), with the treatise: De punitione peccatorum publicorum; Henryk Kalteis, (Henrici Kalteisen), with the treatise: Oratio de libera predicatione verbi Dei; John of Palomar, (Ioannis de Palomar), with the treatise: De civili domino clericorum. Moreover, the following writings were included: Excerpta ex Summa Benedicti abbatis Massiliae contra errores haereticorum; Responsiones ad obiectiones et pictura Ioannis Hus, Cardinal Julian Cesarini’s treatise: Oratio ad convertendos Bohemos, and John de Bachenstein’s treatise: decretorum doctoris, Sermo in concilio Basiliensi. The fact that Hussitism as an intellectual current, with a religious and social orientation, reached Mazovia is clearly evidenced by the books mentioned above and by marginal and provenience entries preserved on them, made out by Adam Vetulani before 1939. Admittedly, these are not treatises that deal with the doctrine of the Church in the Hussite vision, but rather take issue with this movement. Thus, a manuscript in the ecclesiastical (cathedral) milieu of Płock in the 14th century, through its subject matter, was also used to defend the existing Catholic doctrine, rather than to conduct polemics with it. At the same time, through the mentioned books, one can see the interest of Płock, a city far away from the academic centre of Krakow, and of its clergy associated with the cathedral chapter, in the new religious current.


Płock, Middle Ages, cathedral chapter, Hussitism, handwritten codices, polemical treaties

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Marszalska, J. M. (2020). eng. Saeculum Christianum. Historical Writings, 26(2), 50–60.

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