Published: 2018-04-06

„General” pedagogy in the post-modern world

Bogusław Śliwerski
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Topic


The author presents the problem of theoretical „general” pedagogy in the post-modern world. It is expressed in the absence of "one" theory, one meta-language which is used to describe and explain basic concepts and processes. Moreover, it creates theoretical foundations for the development of detailed pedagogical sciences. Each attempt to set up a universal project or meta-narration becomes an unreasonable interpretation of phenomena or theories and the will to gain power. None of the individual interpretations can be superior to any others. There are no ‘better’ and ‘worse’ theories. I present new approaches to pedagogy as:

- a science of pedagogical sciences (metapedagogy);

- as comparative pedagogical thoughts;

- as a meta-science, or the science of all sciences about upbringing and education.


pedagogy, metapedagogy, meta-science, theory, science, pedagogical thought, metanarrative

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Śliwerski, B. (2018). „General” pedagogy in the post-modern world. Pedagogical Forum, 8(1), 21–41.

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