Publié le: 2022-10-03

Der Streit um die Kolbuszower Transaktion im Lichte der polemischen Abhandlungen „Uwagi w sprawie ordynacji ostrogskiej” von Tomasz Dłuski aus dem Jahr 1754 und „Prawda objaśniona” von Piotr Hadziewicz aus dem Jahr 1756

Jolanta M. Marszalska
Saeculum Christianum
Rubrique: Rozprawy i Artykuły


The Ostrog entail was established in 1609. It included 23 towns and about 400 villages. The conflict over the Ostrog ordinance, related to bequests, the death of the successors indicated in the statute, and debts led to its disolution based on the so-called Kolbuszowa transaction (settlement) concluded in 1753. In the treatise issued in 1754, Tomasz Dłuski argued that Janusz Aleksander Sanguszka was not bound by the fee tail law, so he could dispose of it at his own will and discretion. Piotr Hadziewicz, a lawyer and 18th-century journalist, undertook the difficult task of defending the entail, probably at the persuasion of Jan Klemens Branicki.

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Marszalska, J. M. (2022). Der Streit um die Kolbuszower Transaktion im Lichte der polemischen Abhandlungen „Uwagi w sprawie ordynacji ostrogskiej” von Tomasz Dłuski aus dem Jahr 1754 und „Prawda objaśniona” von Piotr Hadziewicz aus dem Jahr 1756. Saeculum Christianum, 29(1), 207–220.

