Vol. 45 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-06-30
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Last 6 months
Formuły egzorcystyczne w potrydenckiej liturgii błogosławieństw 1332
Funkcje społeczne rodziny i jej zagrożenia na przykładzie regionu warmińsko-mazurskiego 622
Początek zła (Rdz 3 i 6,1-4) w interpretacji Księgi Henocha etiopskiej 275
Rola sumienności w religijno-moralnym funkcjonowaniu młodych dorosłych 207
The “Seminare. Learned Investigations” journal is published by the Francis de Sales Scientific Society (TNFS) - a community undertaking scientific research and educational activities inspired by the humanism of Francis de Sales and Christian personalism. The profile and thematic scope of the journal relate to the broadly understood “world of youth” approached from the perspective of various scientific disciplines. The journal focuses on publishing texts from the area of pedagogy, education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, theology, and history of education. In addition, “Seminare” strives to provide a broad platform for sharing ideas and experiences concerning the “world of youth” and the contemporary dispute about the human being.
Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
Are you interested in reviewing texts in this journal? We recommend familiarizing yourself with the content of the 'About the Journal' page, where necessary information is provided. Then, please register on the journal's website. In the registration form, please select the option: 'Yes, send a request to grant the role: Reviewer'. If you already have a user account in this system, you can expand your permissions to include the role of a reviewer in the editing of your profile. A request to review a specific article will be sent to you via email.
Dear Friends of our Journal!
We are pleased to inform you that we have just received the Seminare evaluation report in the ICI Journals Master List 2023 database. We noted with satisfaction that, once again, Seminare. Scientific Investigations was rated 100 points. We were pleased with the detailed report on the SEeB evaluation. We encourage you to read its content (PDF).
We count on your continued support and cooperation.
Mariusz Chamarczuk
Seminare Editor-in-Chief
The journal co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science within the programme „Rozwój Czasopism Naukowych” (Development of Scientific Journals"). Contract no. RCN/SN/0688/2021/1 of 6th December 2022. Project duration: 1 October 2022 – 30 September 2024. The amount of co-financing is 77 491 PLN.
One of the essential elements of the "Seminare" development strategy is the migration to the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University Journals Platform.