
1. Purpose and thematic scope

Since 2003, the journal “Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae” has documented the specific character, scope, and development trends of the research conducted at the Institute of Ecology and Bioethics at the Faculty of Christian Philosophy at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (UKSW), transformed in 2020 into the Centre for Ecology and Ecophilosophy. The journal aims to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, postulates, and experiences related to various manifestations of environmental crises. The journal draws on the main methodological assumption of the Centre for Ecology and Ecophilosophy research, highlighting the need for parallel and even complementary methodology, i.e., for adopting an empirical and humanistic approach to contemporary ecological issues.

A special example of the said complementarity is the research findings published in the journal from the area of biological and philosophical scientific domains since, apart from manifesting the complementary character of biology and philosophy per se, they also imply the prospective involvement in that question of specialists from many other branches of science, e.g., environmental sociologists, political scientists, educators, lawyers, economists, and theologians. This specific profile of the journal provides grounds for the creative exchange of thoughts and experiences among representatives of various institutions and research centers both in Poland and abroad.


  1. Biology
  2. Philosophy
  3. Ecology
  4. Ecophilosophy
  5. Ecotheology
  6. Environmental Ethics
  7. Environmental Studies
  8. Sustainable Development
  9. Ecological Economics
  10. Ecological Education
  11. Environmental Law
  12. Environmental Management
  13. Environmental Engineering

2. Journal data

  • p-ISSN: 1733-1218 
  • e-ISSN: 2719-826X
  • DOI: 10.21697/seb

The quarterly “Studia Ecologiae et Biothicae” is currently published by the Institute of Philosophy in cooperation with the Centre for Ecology and Ecophilosophy at the Faculty of Christian Philosophy of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw. It is available in the following scientific repositories:

3. History

The journal “Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae” was established in 2003, together with the Institute of Ecology and Bioethics of UKSW, being a platform for the exchange of thoughts and experiences of the academics employed at the Institute, scientists cooperating with them and all those, who saw the hope of improving the state of our planet through interdisciplinary research of environmental crises. The frequency of the journal’s publication changed with its development. In the years 2003–2008, the journal was published as an annual, in the years 2009–2010 as a half-yearly, and since 2011 as a quarterly. As a result of structural changes that took place at UKSW in 2020, the journal was transferred to the Institute of Philosophy and is currently published in cooperation with the Centre for Ecology and Ecophilosophy at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland.

The history of each institution is written by people. It is worth mentioning those who have contributed to the creation and development of the journal. The editors, their deputies and secretaries had the greatest contribution to shaping its profile. The first editor-in-chief was prof.  Józef Marceli Dołęga (2003-2014) and the deputy editor-in-chief - first prof.  Wojciech Bołoz (2003-2010) and later assoc. prof.  Zbigniew Łepko (2010-2020). In the years 2014-2020 the editor-in-chief was prof.  Janusz Uchmański and his deputy remained assoc. prof. Zbigniew Łepko. The function of the editorial secretary was subsequently performed by Jacek W. Czartoszewski (2003-2010), Dominika Dzwonkowska, PhD (2011-2016) and Michał Latawiec, PhD (2013-2020). From February 6, 2020, the editor-in-chief has been assoc. prof.  Ryszard F. Sadowski, his deputy is assoc. prof. Krassimira Ilieva-Makulec and the secretary is Jacek Meller PhD.

The following persons took part in the editorial work on the preparation of individual volumes: Andrzej Abdank-Kozubski (2003-2008), Aneta Afelt (2024-), Ivana Bendra (2022-), Krzysztof Biernat (2003-2017), Wojciech Bołoz (2003-2010), Jana Dlouhá (2022-), Józef M. Dołęga (2003-2014), Dominika Dzwonkowska (2006-2016), Jacek W. Czartoszewski (2003-2017), Stanisław Dziekoński (2003-2008), Grzegorz Embros (2009-2014), Adam Filipowicz (2006-2007), Krassimira Ilieva-Makulec (2014-), Ján Kaliský (2020-), Leszek Karski (2011-2017), Agnieszka Klimska (2009), Marcin Klimski (2009), Inna Koblianska (2021-), Agata Kosieradzka-Federczyk (2020-), Jan Krupka (2003-2008), Michał Latawiec (2009-2022), Jadwiga Leśniewska (2003-2009), Zbigniew Łepko (2011-2020), Jacek Meller (2020-), Monika Nová (2021-2023); Ryszard Sadowski (2011-2014; 2020-), Lidia Sakelarieva (2020-), Jan Sandner (2006-2009), Antoni Skowroński (2003-2010), Jarosław Sokołowski (2003-2010), Bożena Sosak-Świderska (2003-2010), Joanna Stępczyńska (2007), Sławomir Śledziewski (2003-2008), Jacek Tomczyk (2003-2008; 2011-2014), Wojciech Trempała (2024-), Janusz Uchmański (2011-2020), Bernadetta Wójtowicz (2003-2007).

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