Article Structure and Formatting


  1. The Editorial Board accepts materials in the form of an article, a report or book review (published not earlier than 3 years from the date of submitting the review).
  2. Materials should be sent to the Editorial Board in the Microsoft Word document format. The text should be formatted as follows: Times New Roman font, 12 points, spacing: 1.5 points, all margins: 2.5 cm. Emphasis can only be made by using the bold, while italics should be used for the titles of publications cited and foreign expressions.
  3. Quotes should be marked with quotation marks, not italics. A quote within a quote should be extracted with the «French» quotation marks. French quotes should be inserted using the “Insert” → “Symbol” → “More symbols” functions, and not by using double << or >> characters. The following order of quotation marks shall be used: “ « ‘ ’ » ”.
  4. Authors should avoid formatting text using tabs, hard spaces [CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE] and hard ends of lines [Shift + Enter]. Also, do not delete individual letters at the end of a line because it makes typesetting very difficult.
  5. The first page of the text should contain the following elements, given in the indicated order:
    1. author’s name and surname
    2. author’s affiliation (employing unit with postal address)
    3. author’s email address and ORCID
    4. in the case of co-authored texts, authors’ data should be successively given below, according to the same scheme. However, there is no obligation to enter the email addresses of all authors, and only one address to the so-called contact author. If the author does not want to provide his/her e-mail address in the text, it should be clearly indicated in correspondence with the Editorial Board.
    5. title of the article in English
    6. abstract in English (150-200 words)
    7. keywords in English (3-5 words)
  6. Text structure:
    1. Preface/Introduction, etc. (unnumbered);
    2. Subsequent points (Arabic numbering: 1. 2. 3. - if necessary, a second level of structure may be introduced in all or some points, e.g. 2.1.  2.2.  2.3.);
    3. Summary / Conclusions / Ending etc. (unnumbered);
    4. Declarations (detailed information is available on the SEeB website);
      1. Author Contributions
      2. Funding
      3. Institutional Review Board Statement
      4. Conflicts of Interest
      5. Acknowledgments
    5. References;
  7. The length of the article, including bibliography, abstracts and keywords, cannot exceed 1 publishing sheet, i.e. 40,000 characters, including spaces.
  8. Authors who include graphic elements in their articles (charts, photos, diagrams, etc.) should be aware that SEeB is printed in monochrome. This is especially important in the case of charts that are legible in the color version but lose their clarity after being converted to the monochrome version. This should be taken into account when preparing charts. All graphic elements included in the text should be additionally delivered as separate high-resolution files in JPG or PDF format. The names of those files should include the name of the author and graphic category (drawing, chart, diagram, etc.) respectively, e.g. Kowalski-fig-1.jpg; Kowalski-chart-2.jpg, etc. All charts prepared in Excel should be saved in one Excel file and sent to the Editorial Board. This will improve the quality of published graphic elements. The online version of the magazine features colorful graphic elements.
  9. Footnotes and references should be formatted in accordance with the so-called Chicago / Turabian style in the author-date version, edition 16. Detailed guidelines for citing and making bibliographies are presented in the “Citation Style Guide” tab.
  10. Summaries of articles published in SEeB may have different patterns. In case of social, natural and engineering sciences, a summary usually consists of: 1) introduction (purpose and importance of research), 2) methods, 3) findings and 4) discussion. The proportions of these elements are usually as follows: 1) 25%, 2) 25%, 3) 35% and 4) 15% of the summary. In the humanities, this scheme is usually less formal, however, an article summary should concisely present: 1) the addressed problem, 2) the purpose of the study, 3) its findings, and 4) conclusions. Article summaries presented in SEeB should contain 150-200 words.

Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Ryszard F. Sadowski
Editorial Team

49th percentile
Powered by  Scopus
ISSN: 1733-1218
eISSN: 2719-826X

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw

Licence CC

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