Since 2003, the journal “Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae” has documented the specific character, scope, and development trends of the research conducted at the Institute of Ecology and Bioethics at the Faculty of Christian Philosophy at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (UKSW), transformed in 2020 into the Centre for Ecology and Ecophilosophy. The journal aims to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, postulates, and experiences related to various manifestations of environmental crises. The journal draws on the main methodological assumption of the Centre for Ecology and Ecophilosophy research, highlighting the need for parallel and even complementary methodology, i.e., for adopting an empirical and humanistic approach to contemporary ecological issues.

A special example of the said complementarity is the research findings published in the journal from the area of biological and philosophical scientific domains since, apart from manifesting the complementary character of biology and philosophy per se, they also imply the prospective involvement in that question of specialists from many other branches of science, e.g., environmental sociologists, political scientists, educators, lawyers, economists, and theologians. This specific profile of the journal provides grounds for the creative exchange of thoughts and experiences among representatives of various institutions, and research centers both in Poland and abroad.

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         Metadata from Crossref logo        Crossref Similarity Check logo Crossref Similarity Check logo
  • BazHum: Czasopisma humanistyczne i społeczne
  • CEEOL: Central and Eastern European Online Library
  • CEJSH: Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Crossref
  • DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
  • ERIH Plus: European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ICI Journals Master List
  • Library of Science
  • Most Wiedzy (Open Research Data)
  • Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
  • ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
  • Scilit: The Scientific Literature Database
  • Sherpa RoMEO: Rights MEtadata for Open archiving
  • WorldCat
  • Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)
  • Philosophy | Filozofia
  • Biology | Biologia
  • Ecology | Ekologia
  • Ecophilosophy | Ekofilozofia
  • Ecotheology | Ekoteologia
  • Environmental Ethics | Etyka środowiskowa
  • Environmental Studies | Nauki o środowisku
  • Sustainable Development | Zrównoważony rozwój
  • Ecological Economics | Ekonomia ekologiczna
  • Ecological Education | Edukacja ekologiczna
  • Environmental Law | Prawo środowiskowe
  • Environmental Management | Zarządzanie środowiskowe
  • Environmental Engineering | Inżynieria środowiskowa
SNIP 0.345 (2023)
CiteScore 0.4 (2023)
SJR 0.150 (2023)
MEiN 40 pkt (2023)
Index Copernicus 100 (2023)
h5Index 4
For authors

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

For reviewers

Are you interested in reviewing texts in this journal? We recommend familiarizing yourself with the content of the "Peer Review Process" and About the Journal pages, where necessary information is provided. Then, please register on the journal's website. In the registration form, please select the option: 'Yes, send a request to grant the role: Reviewer.' If you already have a user account in this system, you can expand your permissions to include the role of a reviewer in editing your profile. A request to review a specific article will be sent to you via email.

Indexing services
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Invitation to the 19th Conference in the Series "Humanistic Ecology" (Warsaw, September 18-19, 2025)



Dear SEeB Friends,
I want to invite you to the 19th International Conference in the Series "Humanistic Ecology" - "Environmental Philosophy and Ethics in the Face of the Ecological Crisis" (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland - September 18-19, 2025). You can submit your paper proposal (abstract) by April 14, 2025. The conference is interdisciplinary so you can submit papers presenting the manifestations of the environmental crisis from different perspectives.

For more information on the conference and paper submission, visit its website: Conference Website

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me or Dr. Agnieszka Klimska -


Assoc. Prof. Ryszard Sadowski
SEeB Editor-in-Chief
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland

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Appreciation to the SEeB reviewers in 2024!


On behalf of the SEeB Editorial Team, I'd like to thank all the reviewers who cooperated with our Editorial Team last year. We appreciate their gratuitous help and dedication. We owe our reviewers not only the constantly increasing scientific level of the articles but also the prestige of our journal in the academic community.

In 2024, authors submitted 52 manuscripts; we published 34 and declined 18. We engaged 81 unique reviewers in the editorial process, 24 from Poland and 57 from abroad. Our reviewers of 2024 represented six continents (Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America).

Our reviewers come from 27 countries: Australia - 2; Austria - 1; Bangladesh - 2; Brazil - 2; Chile - 1; Croatia - 3; Czechia - 5; Egypt -1; India - 5; Italy - 4; Mexico - 1; Netherland - 1; Nigeria - 2; Norway - 1; Pakistan - 1; Philippines - 1; Poland - 24; Portugal - 1; Romania - 3; Serbia - 2; Slovakia - 9; South Africa - 1; Spain - 1; Sweden - 2; Turkey - 1; Ukraine - 3; Viet Nam - 1. The detailed list of the reviewers cooperating with us in 2024 is available here!

Dear Reviewers, we greatly appreciate your help and hope you will continue supporting us in 2025.

Assoc. Prof. Ryszard Sadowski
SEeB Editor-in-Chief

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New SEeB Rating by Index Copernicus!



Dear Friends of SEeB!
We are pleased to inform you that we have just received the report on our journal's evaluation in the ICI Journals Master List 2023 database. We noted with satisfaction that, once again, Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae was rated 100 points. We were particularly pleased with the detailed report on the SEeB evaluation. We encourage you to read its content (PDF).
We count on your continued support and cooperation.

Ryszard Sadowski
SEeB Editor-in-Chief

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SEeB Nature Photography Competition - award ceremony



Dear SEeB Authors and Reviewers!

I am happy to inform you that yesterday, the editorial team of "Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae" (SEeB) organized an award ceremony for SEeB Nature Photography Competition participants.

We are proud to announce that the competition was a resounding success in terms of the widespread interest it garnered among nature photography enthusiasts and the unusual artistic quality of the submitted photos.
We invite you to read the competition results and view the awarded photos on our website. (The switch between Polish and English is in the upper right corner of the website).

I wish you enjoyable aesthetic experiences.

Assoc. Prof. Ryszard F. Sadowski
SEeB Editor-in-Chief

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