Published: 2024-12-21

Initiation and ... what next? Efficiency of children’s Eucharistic formation

Aneta Rayzacher-Majewska
Studia Katechetyczne
Section: Artykuły


Initiation catechesis is a time of religious education and catechetical formation for students
from grades 1–4 of primary school. Its most important goal is to prepare students for full
participation in the Holy Mass. First Holy Communion takes place in the third grade, so
the last year of formation involves mystagogical catechesis. The article presents the current
program assumptions of catechesis and religious education, including Eucharistic formation. They are considered in terms of the three functions of catechesis – didactic, educational and initiatory, as well as the basic educational environments – family, parish
and school. In the context of the program assumptions, the pastoral practice of initiation
catechesis is also discussed, along with an attempt to assess the effectiveness of the actions
taken. Against this background, the mystagogical catechesis postulated in catechetical
documents is also taken into account.


initiation catechesis, Christian initiation, preparation for full participation in the Eucharist, mystagogical catechesis, efectivenes of religious education, teaching religion, catechesis for children

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Rayzacher-Majewska, A. (2024). Initiation and . what next? Efficiency of children’s Eucharistic formation. Studia Katechetyczne, 20, 151–169.

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