Vol. 60 No. 2 (2024)
Coming soon...
ISSN: 0585-5470 / e-ISSN: 2720-0531

- John Finnis, Capital Punishment and Lethal Acts in War
- Stipe Buzar, Do the Weak Have a Right to Fight the Strong? Moral Absolutes and the Probabilityof Success
- Adam Cebula, Radical Pacifism, Limited Pacifism or Just War? (A Response to Professor Jacek Hołówka)
- Adam Grzegorzyca, Uncreated Creating Nature in the Philosophical System of John Scotus Eriugena
- Michał Gołda, Carl Linnaeus as a Researcher and Founder of a Community of Researchers. A Philosophical and Historical Analysis
- Tomasz Maziarka, The Emergence of the Soul. Andreas Nordlander’s Reading of St. Augustine’s potentialism and the Question of the Creation of the Human Soul in an Evolving Universe
- Marek Łagosz, The Consistency of Supervenience with the Primordiality of a Spiritual Substance and the Extra-material Origin of Individual Consciousness
- Piotr Bylica, The Evolutionary Argument from Reason Against Naturalism and the Idea of Emergence: An Outline of the Issues
- Damian Luty, Eliminative Ontic Structural Realism and the Metaphysical Underdetermination Argument: A Critique
- Ivan Buraj, Degrowth – Utopia or Reality?
- Helena Ciążela, The Conflict Surrounding Environmental Issues – A Dynamisation of Human Subjectivity or a Prelude to Inevitable Doom. The Perspective of Global Responsibility Ethics
- Paweł Nowak, Magdalena Morze, The New Philosophy of Service. An Account Based on Kazimierz Rogozinski’s Anthropology
Reviews and reports
- Adam Cebula, Report on the Symposium "30 Years After 'Veritatis Splendor.' Moral Absolutes and War – War on Moral Absolutes", Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Institute of Philosophy, December 13, 2023
- Jacek Meller, Report on the Conference “Conscience Clause for Everyone?”, Institute of Philosophy, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, June 12, 2024
- Jakub Płoski, Milena Żydek, Report on the "17th Workshop in the Philosophy of Nature", Section for the Philosophy of Nature and Natural Sciences of the Polish Philosophical Society, Kraków, June 13-16, 2024
Subsidized from the state budget by the Ministry of Education and Science under the program "Development of Scientific Journals" ("Rozwój czasopism naukowych").

Long-term preservation service: Content of published SPCh issues is actively deposited in a long-term preservation service in the National Library of Poland.