
New SPCh issue (2/2023)


The latest issue of Studia Philosophiae Christianae: 2(2023) has been published on our journal's website. It contains 8 scientific articles and 2 scientific reports. In the issue, among others, about free will according to Duns Scotus, about anthropic cosmology in the context of the unity of science, about aspects of Christian philosophy. There is also a response to the texts from No. 2/2022 around David Gunkel's book "Deconstruction" and a report on the discussion around Krzysztof Meissner's book "The Physicist in the Cave of Worlds." Among the authors of the published texts were: Mark J. Boone, David J. Gunkel, Piotr Janik, Maciej Jemiol, Martyna Koszkało, Slawomir Leciejewski, Zyra F. Lentija, Karol Michalski, Adam Swiezynski.

We invite you to read more!

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SPCh z dofinansowaniem w ramach projektu MEiN "Rozwój czasopism naukowych"


Studia Philosophiae Christianae has received funding in the amount of PLN 71,500 as part of the Ministry of Education and Science's project "Development of Scientific Journals" for 2022-2024. The funds are earmarked for language editing of published texts, updating the journal's website, updating indexing databases, and training for editorial board members.

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Nowy numer SPCh (1/2023)


The latest issue of Studia Philosophiae Christianae: 1(2023) has been published on our journal's website. It contains 7 research articles, as well as 1 book review and 1 report. In the issue, among other things, about ecophilosophy, the Anthropocene, environmental catastrophe, the challenges of globalization and industrialization. Among the authors of the published texts are: Ivan Buraj, Helena Ciążela, Anna Mravcová, Katarína Podušelová, Richard St'ahel, Mindaugas Stoškus, Adam Świeżyński, Włodzimierz Tyburski, Štefan Zolcer.

More see:

Enjoy reading!

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Next issue of SPCh (2/2022)


The latest issue of Studia Philosophiae Christianae: 2(2022) has been published on our journal website. It contains 9  articles as well as 1 book review and 2 reports. In the issue, among other things, on the philosophy of the eleats, pleasure according to Thomas Aquinas and Thomas Reid's theo-cognitive position. Among the authors of the published texts are: Stanisław Chankowski, David J. Gunkel, Arian Kowalski, Piotr Kozak, Dariusz Kucharski, Michał Latawiec, Michał Piekarski, Dariusz Piętka, Magdalena Płotka, Przemysław R. Nowakowski, Adam Świeżyński, Karolina Tytko. Part of the issue was devoted to a discussion around David J. Gunkel's book, Deconstruction (MIT Press 2021).
We look forward to reading it!

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SPCh evaluation result in Index Copernicus


We are pleased to announce that the journal "Studia Philosophiae Christianae" has passed the evaluation process and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2021. Based on the information provided in the evaluation and the analysis of the journal's 2021 issues, Index Copernicus Experts calculated the Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2021: ICV 2021 = 100.00. (In the previous year, the evaluation result was: 92.80).

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Died prof. Mieczyslaw Gogacz (1926-2022)


It is with sadness that we report the death of long-time ATK and UKSW professor Prof. Mieczyslaw Gogacz, who was also recently an honorary member of the Scientific Council of our journal. Prof. Gogacz published nearly thirty articles, reviews and scientific reports in SPCh during his scientific activity. Expressing our gratitude to him, we recall one of his articles, published in SPCh in 1983, titled "Philosophical Reflections on Despair and Hope."

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The new issue of SPCh (1/2022)


The latest issue of SPCh: 1(2022) has been published on our journal website. It contains 7 articles, as well as 3 book reviews and 2 reports. Among the authors of the published texts are: Tomasz Femiak, Waldemar Filipek, Adam Grzegorzyca, Adam Janas, Andrzej Kobylinski, Arina Kowalski, Marek Łagosz, Marek Maciejczak, Krzysztof Małek, Tomasz Perz, Hovav Rashelbach, Julia Rejewska, Michał Sawicki.

We invite you to read more!

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Next issue of SPCh (2/2021)


The latest issue of SPCh: 2(2021) has been published on our journal website. It contains 7 articles (including 2 in English) as well as 1 book review and 1 report. Among the authors of the published texts are: Alina Bernadetta Jagiełłowicz (UWr), Janina Buczkowska (UKSW), Maciej Janowski (APS), Kingsley Mbamara (KUL JPII), Józef Kożuchowski (WSD Elbląg), Jarosław Kucharski (AIK), Adam Świeżyński (UKSW), Michał Wagner (UKSW).

We invite you to read!

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Increasing the SPCh score ranking on the MEiN list - 70 points.


We would like to inform you that in the latest scoring of scientific journals in the Ministry of Education and Science list in Poland (1 December 2021), "Studia Philosophiae Christianae" has received 70 points. We invite you to publish!

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A member of the SPCh Advisory Board, Prof. Joseph Koterski SJ (1953-2021) passed away


It is with great sadness that we inform you that we have received news of the death of a long-standing member of the Advisory Board of our journal, Professor Joseph Koterski.

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Next issue of SPCh (1/2021)


The current issue of SPCh: 1, vol. 57, (2021) has been published on the website of our the journal. It contains 6 scholar articles (including 2 in English) and 2 reviews of books. The authors of the published texts include: Karolina Rozmarynowska (UKSW), Roman Murawski (UAM), Marek Łagosz (UWr), Adam Grzegorzyca (UO), Marcin Sieńkowski (WSD Ełk), Marek Porwolik (UKSW), Piotr Duchliński (AI), Miłosz Puczydłowski (UP KEN).

We invite you to read!

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Next issue SPCh - Vol. 56 No. 4 (2020) available on-line - reminder


Please be advised that the issue 4 (2020) of the SPCh is available in electronic version at:

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Next issue SPCh - Vol. 56 No. 3 (2020) available on-line - reminder


Please be advised that the issue 3 (2020) of the SPCh is available in electronic version at:


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Philosophical conference on the anniversary of the death of Fr. prof. Grzegorz Bugajak


May 17, 2021 is the first anniversary of the death of Fr. prof. UKSW dr hab. Grzegorz Bugajak, an employee and director of the UKSW Institute of Philosophy and a long-time secretary of the editorial office of the scientific journal "Studia Philosophiae Christianae". On this occasion, colleagues and friends of Father Grzegorz Bugajak are organizing a scientific conference. It will be an opportunity to recall the figure and scientific achievements of the Professor and to take up the philosophical issues that he dealt with in his scientific activity. The conference is also related to the promotion of the 4th issue of the SPCh (Volume 56, 2020), which consists of articles published by the conference participants. The conference is open to the public. We invite all interested persons to participate.


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Next issue SPCh - Vol. 56 No. 2 (2020) available on-line - reminder


Please be advised that the number 2 (2020) of the SPCh is available in electronic version at: and will soon be published in the printed version at the UKSW Publishing House.

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Increase in the SPCh score in the new scores of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education


We are pleased to announce that in the latest list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of February 9, 2021 "Studia Philosophiae Christianae" obtained 40 points. We invite you to publish.

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Invitation to publish in SPCh


We invite you to publish in Studia Philosophiae Christianae in 2021. Texts qualified for publication will be published in the electronic version on a regular basis, and at the end of the year they will also be published in print.

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Next issue of SPCh (1/2020) - reminder


Please be advised that the issue 1 (2020) SPCh is available in electronic version at: and in the printed version at the UKSW Publishing House.


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Acknowledgments to the outgoing members of the Editorial Board of "Studia Philosophiae Christianae"


On behalf of all employees of the Institute of Philosophy of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, and in particular the new editorial office of the SPCh, we would like to thank ...

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55 year ago the first number of SPCh was published


The first issue of the SPCh appeared in 1965 with a circulation of 530 copies and a volume of 306 pages...

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