Opublikowane: 2007-12-31

Ekologia w przypowieściach Jezusa

Andrzej Jacek Najda
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dział: Artykuły naukowe


Jesus during His public ministry concentrated Himself above all on teaching. He often made use of parables, in which He used a variety of motifs and presentations from the field of ecology, in order to be properly understood by His listeners. Making use of ecological images Jesus describes the beginning, development and reality of the Kingdom of God, He speaks about the time already begun of salvation and God’s reign, about God’s goodness and mercy, about the situation of His disciples in the world. He also calls for repentance and for the bearing of good fruit.

Słowa kluczowe:

ekologia, chrześcijaństwo, ewangelia, przypowieści

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Zasady cytowania

Najda, A. J. (2007). Ekologia w przypowieściach Jezusa. Studia Ecologiae Et Bioethicae, 5(1), 355–366. https://doi.org/10.21697/seb.2007.5.1.25

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