Published: 2020-12-31

The usefulness of Grzegorz Bugajak's chance concept in the natural sciences

Michał Latawiec , Anna Latawiec
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Section: Papers


Nature is known through empirical methods. The development of a scientific methodology enables us to reveal the secrets of nature. Hypothesis and theories are formulated in order to explain phenomena. However, in this ordered world there are also events that occur randomly. Within this framework, Grzegorz Bugajak’s concept of chance will be applied to show its usefulness in the field of environmental protection. By referring to specific examples, we will discuss the circumstances of the occurrence of random phenomena in nature that create dilemmas for naturalists. Our aim is to single out an interpretation of Bugajak’s concept of chance that can be usefully employed by ecologists.


Received: 05/08/2020. Reviewed: 16/10/2020. Accepted: 24/11/2020


Grzegorz Bugajak, chance, nature, knowledge dilemma, environmental protection

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Latawiec, M., & Latawiec, A. (2020). The usefulness of Grzegorz Bugajak’s chance concept in the natural sciences. Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 56(4), 93–112.

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