Published: 2023-05-06

Ulpian’s definition of natural law and it’s philosophical inspirations

Agnieszka Kacprzak
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Artykuły


In the submitted article, I try to identify possible philosophical sources of Ulpian’s famous definition of natural law, as transmitted in D. 1,1,1,4. Several arguments speak for the thesis on it’s Stoic inspirations. In particular traces of their doctrine of duties (kathekonta) in the version known from the middle and the late Stoicism, are visible therein. Consequently, I dismiss the thesis of its Pythagorean origins. Especially in the view of marriage as a duty derived from nature, echoes of the opinions advocated by the Stoics active in Rome, most notably Musonius and Hierocles are clearly heard. Te same set of views, most likely drawn from the middle and the late Stoicism as well, has been widespread in the rhetorical tradition. Therefore, it is difficult to clearly decide which of these traditions (philosophical or rhetorical one), may have directly inspired the jurist.


ius naturale; , ius gentium;, peritia;, kathekon;, praeceptum.

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Kacprzak, A. (2023). Ulpian’s definition of natural law and it’s philosophical inspirations. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 23(1), 5–38.

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