Published: 2023-05-06

The social factor in the administration of justice in criminal cases in the twenty-first-century reality

Łukasz Krzyżewski
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Artykuły


The contribution „the Social Factor” makes to jurisdiction has a long history both in Poland and other countries. Nevertheless, no unanimity has been reached on whether social participation is beneficial or not, especially in the twenty-first century. This article begins with an analysis of the principal models of citizens’ participation in the administration of justice and moves on to a presentation of its chief advantages and disadvantages based on a review of the institutions of lay judges and jurors in the Polish and British legal system. The materials for this analysis are the respective jurisprudence, doctrine and social assessment of the issue in the two countries, backed up by statistical data. In its conclusion, the article gives an answer to the question put at the beginning and offers suggestions how to improve and update the institution of the Social Factor.


the Social Factor;, lay judges;, jurors;, criminal cases;, the twenty-frst century.

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Krzyżewski, Łukasz. (2023). The social factor in the administration of justice in criminal cases in the twenty-first-century reality. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 23(1), 127–150.

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