Published: 2023-07-10

Jurists as consultants to the authorities in the medieval communes of Italy

Aleksandra Szymańska
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Artykuły


The subject of this paper is the role played by lawyers and their professional and political activities in the cities of medieval Italy. I focus on their interpretative and advisory activities and the drafting of consilia (expert legal advice) for communal officials. Jurists gave ofcial legal opinions in judicial, administrative, and political matters. Their advice was used to resolve problems arising from matters like conflicting statutory laws and their constant change as a result of rivalry between institutions.


jurists;, consilia;, communes,;, Italy.

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Szymańska, A. (2023). Jurists as consultants to the authorities in the medieval communes of Italy. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 23(2), 119–139.

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