Published: 2023-10-05

Legal aspects of cybersecurity in public administration

Agnieszka Brzostek


EU Cybersecurity Agency reports say that public administration is the sector which stands the greatest risk of digital attacks. The number of incidents reported is growing all the time. The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting spread of remote work as well as the war in Ukraine have aggravated this threat very significantly, especially as hackers are using malware like ransomware, social engineering, data access denial, and other types of malicious software on a large scale. Te European Union is aware of these threats to cybersecurity, which is why the European Parliament has adopted a new directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the EU, including the protection of important sectors such as public administration.


cybersecurity, public administration, cyber threats, the NIS2 Directive

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Brzostek, A. (2023). Legal aspects of cybersecurity in public administration. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 23(3), 95–108. Retrieved from

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