Published: 2024-04-11

Regulation of time limits for the granting of Polish residence permits: An administrative reaction to potential risks, or a challenge to the applicant?

Paweł Dańczak


Foreign citizens applying for residence in Poland may obtain permits of various types, including one for temporary residence, which is granted for a specified period of time, not longer than 3 years. Such a permit is granted in the course of administrative proceedings when the applicant has satisfied the conditions required by Polish law. Timely proceedings and the prompt review of an application constitute one of the standards of good administration, and the applicable legal provisions and deadlines should serve to protect it. This also applies to residence permit proceedings for foreign citizens who wish to stay in Poland for a certain time. This study concerns a new regulation recently added to Ustawa o cudzoziemcach (the Polish Act on Foreign Citizens), as distinct from Art. 35 of Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego (the Code of Administrative Procedure). The new regulation concerns the deadlines for the handling of applications for residence permits. The study looks at the efficiency of the administrative proceedings, and applicants’ right to a guarantee to have their application handled within a reasonable time.


foreign citizens, temporary residence permits, administrative proceedings, applicants’ right to have their application handled within a reasonable time

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Dańczak, P. (2024). Regulation of time limits for the granting of Polish residence permits: An administrative reaction to potential risks, or a challenge to the applicant?. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 24(1), 201–214. Retrieved from

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