Published: 2020-02-03

Powers of the Polish Labour Inspector to Supervise the Observance of Safety and Hygiene Regulations in the Workplace

Sylwia Karbowska
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Artykuły


This article presents the scope of the Polish Labour Inspector’s supervisory powers and the principles governing his supervision of safety and hygiene regulations in the workplace, which is particularly important in view of the growing scope of tasks entrusted to the National Labour Inspectorate. I present the results of a survey in which businessmen were asked about their relations with, and expectations of the National Labour Inspectorate. I also write on the important role the Inspectorate plays as an information and advisory service for the effective enforcement of the rule of law in labour relations.


The Polish National Labour Inspectorate; the labour inspector’s powers; supervision; safety and hygiene at work.

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Karbowska, S. (2020). Powers of the Polish Labour Inspector to Supervise the Observance of Safety and Hygiene Regulations in the Workplace. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 19(4), 65–88.

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