Published: 2020-07-30

Patent Procedure with the Use of Artificial Intelligence

Małgorzata Wojtczak
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Artykuły


The article describes the Polish procedure for the grant of a patent involving the use of artificial intelligence. Patent law is one of the main areas of industrial property law and is defined as a set of legal provisions regulating patent protection and concerning new technologies, especially inventions. The type of patent protection a country has impacts on its economic growth and prosperity. Raising social awareness in this area brings a substantial return for the state. The enhancement of this procedure by applying artificial intelligence especially for data processing should shorten the waiting time for the settlement of applications for a patent, and encourage more inventors to submit an application for a patent.


invention; patent; patent procedure; artifcial intelligence.

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Wojtczak, M. (2020). Patent Procedure with the Use of Artificial Intelligence. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 20(2), 249–263.

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