Published: 2020-12-15

The Principle of Limited Access to the Polish Civil Status Register and Access to Civil Status Records for Affines

Michał Wojewoda
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Artykuły


The Polish Civil Registry Act of 2014 (Ustawa Prawo o aktach stanu cywilnego z 2014 r) provides for a limited scope of access to the civil status register. The Act does not mention persons related by kinship in the list of applicants who do not have to meet additional conditions to receive transcripts from another person’s records in the civil register. The only relatives on this list are the subject’s spouse and a limited number of his/her blood relatives. In practice, however, in-laws often apply for a transcript from the registry. This happens especially with death certificates, which people may need in various situations. The wording of Art. 45 Item 1 of the Act leads to the conclusion that in-laws mustprove that they have a legal interest in obtaining the transcript. The argument put forward in this paper is that kinship and the multitude of situations in which a transcript may be needed should justify a less stringent approach to the legal interest of in-laws. Usually such an interest may be presumed. Therefore, it should be enough for an in-law to give a plausible reason for his/her application for a transcript from the register without having to submit a detailed explanation or providing additional documents.


kinship; civil status register; civil status records; legal interest.

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Wojewoda, M. (2020). The Principle of Limited Access to the Polish Civil Status Register and Access to Civil Status Records for Affines. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 20(4), 195–216.

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