Published: 2021-03-13

Failure to Vaccinate a Child or Minor under the Vaccination Scheme Mandatory in Poland and an Alternative Way to Immunize the Young in a Chickenpox/Mumps party: Liability of the Child’s Legal Guardian under Art. 160 § 2 of the Polish Penal Code

Ewelina Wojewoda
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Artykuły


A growing number of Polish parents and legal guardians are deciding not to vaccinate their children. An alternative way to immunize youngsters is becoming popular in the country, involving deliberately bringing the child in contact with a child with chickenpox or mumps, to infect the healthy child and thereby immunize him. Such practices undoubtedly pose a serious threat to children’s life and health. Hence the question arises whether in the current epidemiological situation such behaviour may make parents criminally liable under Art. 160 §2 of the Polish Penal Code.

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Wojewoda, E. (2021). Failure to Vaccinate a Child or Minor under the Vaccination Scheme Mandatory in Poland and an Alternative Way to Immunize the Young in a Chickenpox/Mumps party: Liability of the Child’s Legal Guardian under Art. 160 § 2 of the Polish Penal Code. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 21(1), 215–241.

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