Published: 2021-06-24

Principles of the Liability of Artificial Intelligence on the Basis of the Roman Regulations on Slaves

Bartłomiej Oręziak
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Artykuły


This article takes an analytical approach to the possibility of applying the principles holding in Roman law on the liability of slaves to the modern law on new technologies, or more precisely the law on Artificial Intelligence. In my introductory remarks, I present the scope of the hypothesis I use for my study. Next, I adopt a specific methodological order, give an outline of the concept of AI, present its significance for national policy, and propose the new legislation which I consider should be brought in to regulate AI. This helps me to arrive at a better understanding of the full scope of AI, and consequently to pass on to a presentation of the principles of the liability of slaves in Roman law, which lets me apply these principles to the specificity of AI. Using the provisions of Roman law on the liability of slaves as a model, I present a set of postulates for new legal provisions to regulate liability in the context of AI, of course with all the due modifications needed to adjust my argument to the current understanding of the law. The article concludes with a summary of my observations and the amendments I consider necessary to the current law on AI.


artifcial intelligence; Roman law; liability; the law on new technologies; slaves.

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Oręziak, B. (2021). Principles of the Liability of Artificial Intelligence on the Basis of the Roman Regulations on Slaves. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 21(2), 41–70.

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