Published: 2022-03-31

A Hearing in a Polish Criminal Court in the Absence of the Accused on the Grounds of Art. 378a of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Compared to Previous Regulations

Jan Kluza


This article considers the possibility of holding a court hearing in criminal proceedings in the absence of the accused on the grounds of Art. 378a of the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure (Kodeks Postępowania Karnego), which was introduced in a 2019 amendment. This provision allows for a trial to be held in the absence of the accused, even in the event of his justified absence. The amendment has raised many doubts, and the aim of the article is to point out the problems related to its practical application.


valid excuse for absence; court hearing; adjournment; evidentiary proceedings.

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Kluza, J. (2022). A Hearing in a Polish Criminal Court in the Absence of the Accused on the Grounds of Art. 378a of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Compared to Previous Regulations. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 22(1), 223–239. Retrieved from

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