Quotation Rules



  1. Footnotes are numbered sequentially.
  2. In the text, a footnote number is placed without a space after a word, before a comma or a period ending a sentence, for instance, ‘the reserve system1 was adopted for the first time in the Napoleonic Code2, and then in many other European countries3’.
  3. A footnote is treated as a sentence, so it should start with a capital and end with a full stop.
  4. An author’s work which is referred to for the first time should be quoted as follows: first name initial with a full stop, surname in small caps, title of the work in italics after a comma, place of publication and year, pages, e.g. E. GINTOWT, Rzymskie prawo prywatne w epoce postępowania legisakcyjnego, Warsaw 1960, p. 89 ff.; the following edition should be subscripted with a number after a title, e.g. E. GINTOWT, Rzymskie prawo prywatne w epoce postępowania legisakcyjnego, compiled by W. WOŁODKIEWICZ, Warszawa 2005, p. 91.
  5. A work quoted for the first time from a scientific journal, similarly to a monographic work – first name initial, surname in small caps, article title in italics, journal title (in quotation marks «…»), volume/year in Arabic numerals, full stop, number/issue, slash, year of publication (in round brackets), quoted pages – e.g. Ustanowienie posagu, «Zeszyty Prawnicze» 6.1/2006, p. 195; W. WOŁODKIEWICZ, Tron i ołtarz, «Palestra» 53.3-4/2008, p. 120.
  6. Only one work (article, book) by the same author again – first name initial, full stop, author’s surname in small caps, abbreviation op. cit. in italics, and page number, possibly a footnote - e.g. A. STĘPKOWSKA, op. cit., p. 204 fn. 38.
  7. If in the text of the article there are two references to one item in successive footnotes, the abbreviation Ibidem should be used, e.g. footnote 1 – A. STĘPKOWSKA, Ustanowienie posagu …, p. 204; footnote 2 – Ibidem, p. 212.
  8. If several texts by the same author are quoted in one work, an unambiguous abbreviation of the title should be entered in the footnotes (following footnotes; this does not apply to the first footnote from a given item), which will differentiate these items after it ..., e.g. M. KURYŁOWICZ, Dieadoptioim klassischen römischen Recht, Warszawa 1981, p. 121 ff.; M. KURYŁOWICZ, Prawo i obyczaje w starożytnym Rzymie, Warszawa 1994, p. 5 – in successive footnotes, the following should be quoted: (if they are included in one footnote) M. KURYŁOWICZ, Dieadoptio’ …, p. 121 ff.; IDEM, Prawo i obyczaje …, p. 5; (if in different ones) M. KURYŁOWICZ, M. KURYŁOWICZ, Dieadoptio’ …, p. 121 ff., and M. KURYŁOWICZ, Prawo obyczaje …, p. 5.
  9. An article from a collective publication – an author’s first name initial, surname in small caps, title of the article in italics, comma, followed by [in:], title of the collective publication in italics, editor/editors in small caps, place of publication and pages, e.g. A. DĘBIŃSKI, Prawo rzymskie a systematyka prawa kanonicznego, [in:] ‘Leges sapere’. Studia i prace dedykowane Profesorowi Januszowi Sondlowi w pięćdziesiątą rocznicę pracy naukowej, ed. W. URUSZCZAK, P. ŚWIĘCICKA, A. KREMER, Kraków 2008, p. 135 ff.
  10. An article from a magazine or daily newspaper – an author’s first name initial and surname in small caps, title of the article in italics, title of the periodical (in quotation marks «...»), issue number and date - J. PCIMSKI, Znowu korupcja w magistracie, «Wiadomości Policyjne» no. 223 of Nov 3, 2006.


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