Review Procedure

The rules of peer review process in the journal «Zeszyty Prawnicze»



§ 1

Academic articles, review articles and glosses are reviewed.


Texts sent to the Editorial Team are subject to initial evaluation by topical editors.


Reviewers are appointed by the Editor-in-Chief in cooperation with a topical editor.


  1. Two external reviewers from outside the Faculty of Law and Administration of the UKSW are appointed to evaluate each publication. These reviewers:
  • are not members of the Editorial Team,
  • are competent in a given field and have at least a PhD degree and relevant scientific achievements;
  • enjoy an unblemished reviewer’s reputation;
  • are not affiliated with the same research unit as the author;
  • declare no conflict of interest with the author;
  • have not been in direct academic cooperation with the author in the last two years preceding the preparation of the review;
  • are not in a close personal relationship with the author;
  • in the event of the group of specialists in a given field being very narrow, there may be a deviation from the rules expressed in paragraphs 4-7.
  1. In the case of publications in a foreign language, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign academic institution other than the nationality of the author of the work.

§ 5

The Editorial Team applies the double blind review rule, according to which the author and reviewer do not know each other’s identities.

§ 6

  1. Providing the reviewer with a description of the publication (title, number of characters or standardized pages) and a summary of the article, the Editorial Team ask them to make a decision on accepting or rejecting a text for reviewing within a specified time limit.
  1. When commissioning the reviewer to prepare a review, the Editorial Team provides them with a special reviewing form. The review contains an unequivocal conclusion of the reviewer regarding the conditions of accepting an article for publication, or its rejection. The condition of accepting the text for publication is obtaining two positive reviews.
  1. The reviewer’s comments are forwarded to the author of the reviewed text, who is bound to follow rational and reasoned conclusions presented in the review. They are obliged to take the recommendations of the reviewer into account and correct the text. The reviewer has the right to re-verify the corrected text. In the event of the author of the text not agreeing with the conclusions of the reviewer, they have the right to present their position to the Editorial Team.
  1. The final decision regarding the publication of the reviewed text is made by the Editor-in-Chief, based on the analysis of comments and conclusions contained in the reviews along with any responses provided by the author of the text and the final version of the text the author provided.
  1. Customarily, reviews of articles are prepared free of charge. Reviewers receive a copy of each issue of the Journal.
  1. The list of reviewers is posted on the Journal’s website.


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