Topical Scope of the Journals

Topical Scope of the Journal


The Legal Journal is a periodical referring to the tradition of universities publishing their own academic publications. The thematic scope of the Journal includes the results of research in many different areas of the law, both substantive and procedural one. An important part of the Journal is devoted to publications in the field of historical and legal sciences, including the Roman law. Since the beginning of the Journal, they have also promoted translations of legal source texts from ancient times. Each translation is provided with a substantive commentary. Also, the Legal Journal publish commentaries, glosses to the jurisdiction of national and European courts, reports, as well as review articles and reviews of Polish and foreign studies on legal issues. Additionally, the profile of the Legal Journal includes texts in the field of political science and administration, as long as the research is conducted from the perspective of legal science. Publications are presented in Polish and foreign languages, dominantly English.

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