Published: 2018-03-15

Selected Legal Measures Supporting Employment of the Elderly in Denmark

Magdalena Paluszkiewicz
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Artykuły



Te main purpose of the study is to present a general overview of legal measures that support employment of older Danish workers and therefore prevent their unemployment. The analysis of the legal construction and effectiveness of these measures, supplemented by the results of research conducted in other selected European countries, will provide the basis for developing a model of combating unemployment among older people in Poland. The following discussion will be focused on Danish legal institutions that are most frequently discussed in the literature.


Unemployment prevention, employment support, extending working lives, older workers.

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Paluszkiewicz, M. (2018). Selected Legal Measures Supporting Employment of the Elderly in Denmark. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 17(3), 165–187.

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