Published: 2019-07-11

The Law Applicable to Liability for Damage Caused by Road Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles

Marek Świerczyński , Łukasz Żarnowiec
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Artykuły


This paper elaborates on the law applicable to liability for damage
caused by road accidents involving autonomous vehicles. We analyse and
criticise the existing conflict-of-law framework adopted in the Rome II
Regulation and both Hague Conventions of 1971 and 1973. Te aspects we
examine include classification of damage and liable entities. Te examination of these legal acts shows that the existing model is very complex
and complicated. We present potential changes to the conflict-of-law
regulation, having in mind the need to protect the injured person. These
changes would allow for a more individual consideration of specific
cases and may lead to a more satisfactory outcome of ensuing disputes.


autonomous vehicles, road accidents, conflict-of-law rules, artifcial intelligence algorithms.

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Świerczyński, M., & Żarnowiec, Łukasz. (2019). The Law Applicable to Liability for Damage Caused by Road Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 19(2), 101–135.

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