Published: 2019-07-11

A Comment on the Verdict of 15 January 2014 Issued by the Białystok Court of Appeal, I ACa 648/13

Adriana Tomczyk
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Section: Glosy


This comment relates to the personal scope of liability for the return of the object of the donation which was revoked due to gross ingratitude on the part of the beneficiary if the beneficiary is no longer the owner of the donated item. It also refers to the legal description of the beneficiary’s behaviour, which is to be classifed as an act of gross ingratitude due to the beneficiary’s gratuitous alienation of the donated object of the donation to a third party. I criticize the decision of the Court, and show that lack of locus standi was involved.


contract of donation, revocation of the donation, gross ingratitude, unjustifed enrichment.

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Tomczyk, A. (2019). A Comment on the Verdict of 15 January 2014 Issued by the Białystok Court of Appeal, I ACa 648/13. Zeszyty Prawnicze, 19(2), 245–255.

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